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Stampante 3D desktop

Stampante 3D desktop

Le stampanti 3D desktop per uso professionale sono concepite con la versatilità necessaria per testare concept di progettazione e realizzare robuste parti finite in fibra di carbonio

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Compare Our Desktop 3D Printer Models.

Mark Two™
The best desktop printer for stunning prototypes, tools, high performance end-use parts, and replacement parts.

Nylon White™
Precise PLA
Smooth TPU
Continuous Fiber
Continuous Carbon Fiber™
Aramid Fiber (Kevlar®)*
HSHT Fiberglass™


+320 x 132 x 154 mm build volume

+100 µm - 200 µm layer height

+Precision ground composite print bed

Dupont™ and Kevlar® are trademarks and registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

What can I build on a desktop 3D printer?


Micro carbon fiber filled nylon offers excellent heat resistance, surface finish, and chemical resistance

  • Functional Protos
  • Production Covers
  • Fit checks
  • Job Aids
Carbon Fiber
Carbon Fiber

Stiff, strong, and extremely light, carbon fiber reinforcement yields parts capable of replacing machined aluminum.

  • Custom production
  • Bridge production
  • High performance end-use parts
  • High-strength tooling
Precise Pla
Precise Pla

Colorful, cost-effective, and easy to print thermoplastic for design validation

  • Concept models
  • Fit Checks
  • Color-coded indicators
HSHT Fiberglass
HSHT Fiberglass

HSHT Fiberglass delivers the highest impact resistance and heat deflection temperature of our continuous fibers, and can be used for low-temp molds.

  • Welding fixtures
  • Ruggedized enclosures
  • Low-temp molds
  • Forming tools

Inexpensive and 11 times stiffer than ABS, this is the perfect entry level continuous fiber for 3D printing functional parts.

  • Workholding tools
  • Functional Prototypes
  • Moderate strength end-use parts
Aramid Fiber (Kevlar)
Aramid Fiber (Kevlar)

Extremely durable and extremely resistant to catastrophic damage, Kevlar is an excellent choice for harsh environments.

  • Workholding tools
  • Ruggedized enclosures
  • Flexures
Smooth TPU
Smooth TPU

Rubber-like material for high quality, flexible, impact-absorbent parts on demand.

  • Seals and gaskets
  • Shock absorbers
  • Wheels and treads
  • Belts

Versatilità senza confronti

Le nostre stampanti della serie Desktop offrono prestazioni per l'uso in produzione e generano prototipi affidabili, tutto sulla stessa piattaforma. La nostra plastica da stampa più popolare, Onyx™, offre grandi vantaggi in termini di proprietà dei materiali con un'eccellente finitura superficiale. La nostra selezione di fibre continue porta le nostre parti ben oltre le proprietà termiche e meccaniche delle plastiche da stampa FFF usate abitualmente, mentre Precise PLA consente di creare prototipi efficaci e affidabili a costi contenuti. Indipendentemente dalle proprietà che cerchi, le nostre stampanti 3D desktop offrono il materiale giusto per il tipo di lavoro richiesto.

Come funziona la stampa 3D CFR?


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